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Scalp Dermatologist Explains How Avoiding the ‘SLS Effect’ May Stop Hair Thinning and Accelerate Hair Growth

“You wouldn’t guess how many people struggle with hair thinning, slow growth, and sometimes (extreme) hair loss,” says Laura Gerald, PhD, a leading expert in hair and scalp health. 

“Without an apparent reason…”

“Every day, I hear stories where people wake up to find hair on their pillows, their shower drains clogged, brushes full of strands. 

And it’s not only their appearance that’s changing. Their confidence and self-esteem are diminishing, too.” 

Trying to improve the situation, people will try to: 

  • Improve their diets, 
  • Diligently take supplements, 
  • Vitamins
  • Biotin, 
  • Treat hair with pricey keratin procedures, 
  • Put caster oil masks on,
  • Use expensive hair care products…

…And continue to see no results, stagnant growth, and a worsening state of their hair. 

That’s when they come to me, asking for solutions – something to bring their youthful, healthy hair back.

And with over 30 years of experience, I’ve connected the dots a long time ago… 

I found the most common reason for weak, thinning hair. 

With hundreds of my patients, I proved that the best solution is also unexpectedly simple and usually helps even the most hopeless cases…. 

The truth is – the root cause of hair damage, loss, and thinning may be hiding in plain sight—within your daily routine. 

So, if you’re experiencing:

  • Hair falling, 
  • Thinning, 
  • Brittle, dry hair,
  • Dry and itchy scalp,

And nothing seems to work…

… It’s time you learned about what I call the ‘SLS effect.’

“Just so you know…” She continues, “You might be doing everything to fortify your hair from the inside out, but it’s useless when you’re simultaneously assaulting your hair without realising it. 

This destructive cycle, which I call the ‘SLS effect,’ undermines any positive steps you take towards hair health.”

“Here’s what I mean,” Dr. Foster explains, “There is a 95% chance that every time you wash your hair, you’re rubbing the same chemical to your scalp that you use to clean floors and that your mechanic uses to degrease car engines.

And although it sounds outrageous, I dare you to go to your bathroom and read the ingredient label on your shampoo bottle—I bet the second or third ingredient after water will be SLS (or SLES or Sodium Laureth Sulfate). 

And if you look closely enough, you will find the same chemical in your acidic household cleaners as well as engine degreasers!

Sodium Laureth Sulfate is harmful and toxic.

It causes irritation to the skin and to the hair follicles, as well as breakage of your hair. It sucks all of the moisture out (yes, even if the shampoo says moisturizing)! Yet it’s in that bottle!


Because it’s cheap, these corporations use it as a foaming agent to create an illusion of ‘quality.’

And now, knowing that, are you surprised you’re losing (or have already almost lost) your youthful, soft hair?  

Dr. Gerald drives her point home with a stark warning: “Without eliminating these harmful external factors, no amount of vitamins, hormone therapy or supplements will rescue your hair.

We need to stop sabotaging our hair health with products better suited for cleaning a house, not nurturing our hair.”

So, what is the best solution to restore the health of your hair, accelerate hair growth, and help the folicle “heal”?

“When people start using this healthy substitute for generic shampoos (without harmful chemicals), suddenly anyone who’s not bolding clinically or whose baldness is not predetermined genetically gets a chance for voluminous, fast-growing, and healthy hair”, says Dr. Gerald.

“What I personally do when a patient comes to me is use a questionnaire and visual examination to determine the state of their hair.

Then I choose the best plan, product formula, and hair care routine for that person.

And to be absolutely truthful, coming to me or my colleague dermatologist/trichologist may cost anywhere from $200 to 3000$ (I know…) and even more.


Because I understand not everyone can afford it, and I deeply believe that everyone deserves beautiful, healthy hair (and skyrocketing self-esteem), I am thrilled that there is a solution that anyone can apply without going to specialists, yet have incredibly similar results: 

So far, the only product I know that offers this kind of effect, quality and has an impeccable ingredients list is a hair care line called Moèrie.

Firstly, they are SLS FREE (of course) and their ingredients list is exceptional.

Secondly, they also offer a free hair health quiz online to determine your hair’s health and what it needs to improve.

And it honestly fascinates me that for an absolute fraction of the price, people can get an equally quality product as something I myself would mix and give to my patients as a hair growth stimulator and hair health accelerator. 

“I’ve suggested this hair care routine to every patient who has struggled to grow new hair fast, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.”

Moèrie haircare uses the newest natural formula to help hair growth and prevent hair falling. In fact, new hair growth and strengthening are the main functions of their products.” says Laura.

“And for my hair care aficionados… 

…Exclusively their products consist of a formula with ingredients such as onion bulb extract, not one or two, but 6 Amino acids that play an essential role in healthy hair, vitamin B7 (deficiency leads to hair loss), essential oils, and even fulvic acid which is a natural hair growth inducer.”

“This is why people start seeing new and faster hair growth after using the first bottle or even sooner (I’ve recently had a case where hair grew up to an inch in under 4 weeks, plus a lot of new hair)!

So my strong advice is… if you want: 

✅ Faster and new hair growth

✅ Your temples fill in

✅ Softer, shiny, less brittle hair

✅ Healthy, SLS-free hair routine line that positively affects your hair from the very first wash…

Just give this hair care a try! As I tell all my patients, start by taking their free hair health quiz and see your options. 

P.S. They are often sold out, and no wonder, but these products are definitely worth the wait if you want healthy, thin and quickly growing hair.

Check the availability:


Originally tried it when it was on sale because I was skeptical now, I have switched from Function of Beauty.. this product is 10* better! My hair was dry, breaking off, split ends, unmanageable/tangled all the time, dull, frizzy & didn’t grow.. now, it’s everything it never was. 

Shiny and soft, it grows & doesn’t tangle as bad. Buy this product! Even if it’s not on sale, it is still worth it! A bottle of conditioner/ shampoo lasted me two months! Smells good & brought back my natural curls that wouldn’t pop up before.. even have my man using it for the thin spot on the top of his head so it’s not just for girls!


Chelsea ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Such a grande product I love it! The only thing I could say more is, if only they were bigger sizes to buy, I would love to buy a gallon of these products!


Candilove ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I can not say enough good things about this product. I will forever buy this product. I was scared at first. I have bought so many hair products. But this does work. I started noticing after menopause, I was losing my hair so I researched and found this. This is amazing. In less than a month, my hair has grown so much, and I’ve had my daughter trim it up a bit just to get some dead ends off. I highly recommend this to everyone. This will always be in my cart.


Lola1975 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I have been using this hair system for about two months now. I’m noticing growth and thickness in my hair and can’t wait to see what happens as more time passes! I will be ordering this again soon!


Denise ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Boy, I am impressed with his product! I’ve tried many things since I found out I was going to go through Chemo, did a lot of research about hair growth, etc. I have super curly hair naturally so it grew back curly. I struggled to find anything. The mask in this product line is my daily styler. My curls are nice and soft for the first time in a year!


Carolyn ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️




This is how our website visitors rated Moérie.

Improvement in hair growth


Improvement in overall hair health


Stronger hair after using Moérie


Healthy scalp


Update: Due to recent media attention, Moérie is almost sold out. As of today, it’s still in stock, but if you miss out, it won’t be back in stock until June 2024.



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