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How I Finally Made My Hair Thicker, Longer, and Shinier After a Year of Unsuccessful Attempts (Working Solution Recommendation)

My story might sound familiar to you, and I hope it offers the answers I was searching for a year ago.

Hi, I’m Joanna, and I’m 44 now.

I’ve tried everything to tackle my hair problem and have scoured every forum and video out there.

Sometimes, I jokingly call myself a “hair specialist without a degree.”

I’m not claiming to know everything, but I’m here to share my journey and the exact steps I took to grow MORE (and healthy) HAIR on my head in a short time.

The solution I found isn’t the first one most people think of, but it works!

Messing up my hair health… turned out to be easy

I used to have perfect hair back in school.

My mom paid a lot of attention to it, always brushing it well after my bath when I was little. I kept up this habit throughout my life.

She was always mindful of what was on our bathroom shelves.

We had niche shampoos with great formulas that most people didn’t know about.

Things changed when I moved out for college.

That’s when I began experimenting a lot with my hair length and dyeing it.

Add an unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, stress, and that’s where things started to go wrong.

I began noticing the first signs of hair loss — more hair in my shower drains and on my brush.

My hair lost its shine and color, and it felt brittle.

I added castor oil to my routine, and I thought it worked miracles on my hair at first.

Unfortunately, the results were very temporary and external. I had to put a lot of effort into keeping them looking representable each day.

I tried to figure things out on my own.

First, I got COVID. Initially, it seemed like I got away with it quite easily and with no complications.

Soon after, my shedding became even worse, and I lost more hair than before.

I didn’t expect this at all, but later I learned that it’s a common consequence of having had COVID.

The more time passed, the more my hair became weak and thin. Keeping it long made me look like an old witch.

I cut them. But then…

My hair would start to split every time it reached about shoulder length and needed to be cut. Again. It grew very slowly and remained thin, dry, and prone to breaking.

What I didn’t anticipate was how hard this would hit me mentally.

I lost so much confidence and stopped feeling attractive.

YouTube, Quora, Reddit, hair forums… I became a regular on all of them.

From what I gathered, the reason for my hair loss was pretty obvious.

It was a mix of COVID consequences and stress.

Now I knew why, but what I really wanted to know was how to fix it.

Here’s what I’ve tried (so you don’t have to waste your time)

I won’t go into the details of every solution I’ve tried—after all, the ones mentioned below didn’t help.

But the list only proves how much effort I put into this before finally getting my long, shiny, beautiful hair back.

Over the last year, I’ve tried:

  • Hair ‘healing’ shampoos. There were so many, but nothing helped.
  • Deep conditioning (seemed to help at first, but after the third week, my hair reverted back).
  • Rice water (takes a lot of time, abandoned).
  • Rosemary, coconut, castor oils (didn’t help at all).
  • Hair vitamins (stopped because they gave me nausea and headaches).
  • Changed 3 brushes and my brushing routine in general (didn’t notice visible changes).
  • Scalp massages (made my hair so greasy I had to wash them daily).
  • Minoxidyl. Took too long to start working and the effect only lasted while I used it.

At some point, I started to think that the damage done to my hair was so serious that there was just no way out of this.

I would have probably given up a long time ago if it wasn’t for my mother.

Mom’s friend told her about a new hair care brand that’s becoming increasingly popular.

However, it’s still quite niche (you won’t likely find it on your supermarket’s shelf), so people usually learn about it from dermatologists or trichologists.

At first, I was skeptical about trying yet another hair care solution – capsules, to be precise, since nothing had really helped me before.

But my mom insisted, showing me a few ‘before/after’ photos sent by her friend.

The results in the pictures were unbelievable.

She allowed me to share them below:

What happened next left me speechless

I didn’t expect to see a huge difference right away when I started taking these capsules daily. But…

After a month, I could already notice some visible changes in my hair!

Baby hair started filling in my temples and scalp. 

Even the gap where I was parted my hair had baby hair growing really fast! 

I had forgotten how shiny my hair can look. 

During the next 4-5 weeks, I began noticing significant improvements in my hair thickness.

It also helped a lot with shedding. I finally stopped clogging my shower drain. 

I think it worked so well for me and could work for anyone because this supplement has: 

  • A new type of formula: It includes selenium, zinc, biotin, and 80+ other minerals and essential oils that promote hair growth and health.
  • A unique ‘delivery’ system: The beads in the supplement release active ingredients in smaller quantities over a sustained period. As a result instead of ‘instant release dump’ it results in a better absorption and results.

After my third bottle, the results were evident: 

Can you believe this?!

The easiest and (in my opinion) the most effective way to get your gorgeous hair back

Two more months in, my hair seemed to return to almost perfect condition, just like it was when I was young.

With the thickness, shine, and length, my confidence returned. I feel like myself again.

I started going out with friends again, and… even met a very nice man I’m dating now!

And the best part is that it doesn’t take much effort. No effort at all, actually! 

I used to spend hours each week with all the oils, deep conditioning, and other stuff I mentioned…

Now I just take 2 capsules per day, use shampoo and conditioner, and brush my hair well.

And it works like magic!

What if all it took for your hair health to improve was to take 2 capsules daily, would you try it? 

I did and these Moerie capsules made all the difference for me!

You can check if the product is the perfect match for you by completing their FREE hair health quiz!

P.S. I noticed they are often sold out, and that’s not a shocker after seeing the results. 

If you want thicker, healthier hair in the quickest time possible, I can’t recommend these capsules enough! 

Check the availability.

Results may vary due to personal features


Originally tried it when it was on sale because I was skeptical now, I have switched from Function of Beauty.. this product is 10* better! My hair was dry, breaking off, split ends, unmanageable/tangled all the time, dull, frizzy & didn’t grow.. now, it’s everything it never was. 

Shiny and soft, it grows & doesn’t tangle as bad. Buy this product! Even if it’s not on sale, it is still worth it! A bottle of conditioner/ shampoo lasted me two months! Smells good & brought back my natural curls that wouldn’t pop up before.. even have my man using it for the thin spot on the top of his head so it’s not just for girls!


Chelsea ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Such a grande product I love it! The only thing I could say more is, if only they were bigger sizes to buy, I would love to buy a gallon of these products!


Candilove ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I can not say enough good things about this product. I will forever buy this product. I was scared at first. I have bought so many hair products. But this does work. I started noticing after menopause, I was losing my hair so I researched and found this. This is amazing. In less than a month, my hair has grown so much, and I’ve had my daughter trim it up a bit just to get some dead ends off. I highly recommend this to everyone. This will always be in my cart.


Lola1975 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I have been using this hair system for about two months now. I’m noticing growth and thickness in my hair and can’t wait to see what happens as more time passes! I will be ordering this again soon!


Denise ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Boy, I am impressed with his product! I’ve tried many things since I found out I was going to go through Chemo, did a lot of research about hair growth, etc. I have super curly hair naturally so it grew back curly. I struggled to find anything. The mask in this product line is my daily styler. My curls are nice and soft for the first time in a year!


Carolyn ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️




This is how our website visitors rated Moérie.

Improvement in hair growth


Improvement in overall hair health


Stronger hair after using Moérie


Healthy scalp


Update: Due to recent media attention, Moérie is almost sold out. As of today, it’s still in stock, but if you miss out, it won’t be back in stock until June 2024.



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